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What Is Jeep Ducking and Why Do Jeeps Get Ducked?

According to Allison Parliament, who is credited with starting the Jeep ducking phenomenon, "Jeeps get ducked for many reasons and with lots of motivations and meanings. For me, it was an act of kindness, a healing of sorts, as well as recognition of and greeting to a fellow Jeep owner. But it can just be that you like their Jeep, or it's the same Jeep you have, or maybe a classic Jeep you would like to own one day. You don't really need a reason for Jeep ducking other than to connect, bring a smile to someone's face, and have fun."

Jeep ducking began as a Jeep Wrangler thing, but you can duck any Jeep. Jeep ducking is all about appreciating another Jeep enthusiast's rig. The random act of kindness is something that is appropriate for any Jeep model, old or new, rusty or shiny, bone-stock or built-to-the-hilt rockcrawler. Duck Duck Jeep is a game for any and all models of Jeep. Even a child's Jeep wagon can be ducked.

Jeep Ducks

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